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Video Install Guide

Learn how to install Kivy Reloader on your project with all the necessary dependencies.


You must have followed our installation guide and you must have the basic tools and know how to use them:

  • Poetry
  • Pyenv
  • Git

Install Chocolatey

For using Kivy Reloader, you will need scrcpy to control your Android phone from your computer. The best way to install scrcpy is using Chocolatey.

What is Chocolatey?

Chocolatey is a package manager for Windows. Chocolatey AVOIDS having MULTIPLE BROKEN INSTALLS OF SOFTWARE that happens when doing manual installs.

Chocolatey automatically adds installed programs to PATH.

Choco also uninstalls apps cleanly, no need to find an uninstall guide.

You also do not have to remember where you manually install software.

Also has the useful refreshenv command so you don't have to keep reopening CMD/Powershell when you update PATH. Just type refreshenv and PATH will automatically update.


If you can use Chocolatey for a package, you SHOULD.

How do I install Chocolatey?

Chocolatey install reference

Step 1 Check that Get-ExecutionPolicy is NOT Restricted

  • Open PowerShell in Administrator mode

  • Type:

$ Get-ExecutionPolicy

  • If it returns Restricted, run:

$ Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process

  • Type Y and press Enter to accept.

Step 2 Install Chocolatey

  • Run this command in your Admin PowerShell:

$ Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Step 3 Wait for installation to complete

Step 4 Verify installation

  • Type:

$ choco


$ choco -?

Install Scrcpy through Chocolatey

How do I Install Scrcpy (Screen Copy) through Chocolatey?
  • Chocolatey scrcpy package link

  • Scrcpy lets you mirror your Android phone through desktop.

  • Your PowerShell should already be in Admin mode and Choco installed.

Step 1: Install Scrcpy through Choco

  • Type:

$ choco install scrcpy

  • Type Y for "yes to all"

Step 2: make sure Scrcpy is installed

  • Open a new Command Prompt (or type refreshenv) and type:

$ scrcpy

  • Scrcpy should complain because your phone is not connected yet.

  • If there are no errors, proceed to the next step!

Start the Poetry Wizard

Start a poetry project with the following command and follow the wizard instructions.

$ poetry init

After the wizard is finished, the pyproject.toml file will be created in the current directory.

Activate the virtual environment

Type poetry shell on the terminal and press enter.

$ poetry shell

Install the dependencies

Install the dependencies by typing poetry add kivy-reloader on the terminal and press enter.

$ poetry add kivy-reloader

Configure the Kivy Reloader:

After installing kivy-reloader, follow our setup and how to use guide to configure your project and learn how to use Kivy Reloader.