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Why use the screen module?

Kivy's screen module is handy for emulating different screen sizes and dpis. This means that by using your dev machine, you can check out what your Kivy application would look like on other devices without having them. This is preferable to just guessing what your app would look like, but is in no way a replacement for actually having a test device.

Using Kivy's screen module to emulate devices

In this blog post, I will assume that you already followed the Tkinter VS Kivy Tutorial Quickstart and the How to install Kivy installation guide for your OS to install Kivy and an example project.

There is no special install or setup to use the screen module. It is built-in when you have installed Kivy.

To check it out, change directory with cd to the correct folder.

Make sure your virtual environment is setup with poetry shell!

Run this command:

$ python -m screen:s3

How to the module command works:

First you call python and the script name:

The -m means that you are running a Python module.

screen:s3 means that you are running the screen module with argument s3.

Examples on Windows, try them out!

Emulating an s3 screen.


$ python -m screen:s3

Emulating an iphone6 screen.


$ python -m screen:phone_iphone_6

How to add a custom device

To add your own device, go to the module in Kivy. If you have followed our install tutorial, you can simply to go your .venv folder, find kivy, and then go here:


I did not follow any tutorial! How do I find my environment?

If you did not follow any tutorial, you can find your environment with Python only.

Reference: Finding your Python env


Type python in your terminal.

Type import sys. Press Enter

Type print(sys.prefix). Press Enter.

That folder will be where your Kivy install is, and subsequently your screen module as well.

Next, to add a custom device, follow the format of the devices dictionary, and add your device as follows:

$ 'fake_device_name': ('my_device_name', width, height, dpi, density),

Next, call your custom device!


$ python -m screen:fake_device

Examples on MacOS, try them out!

Emulating an s3 screen.


$ python -m screen:s3

Emulating an iphone6 screen.


$ python -m screen:phone_iphone_6

How to add a custom device

To add your own device, go to the module in Kivy. If you have followed our install tutorial, you can simply to go your .venv folder, find kivy, and then go here:


I did not follow any tutorial! How do I find my environment?

If you did not follow any tutorial, you can find your environment with Python only.

Reference: Finding your Python env


Type python in your terminal.

Type import sys. Press Enter

Type print(sys.prefix). Press Enter.

That folder will be where your Kivy install is, and subsequently your screen module as well.

Next, to add a custom device, follow the format of the devices dictionary, and add your device as follows:

$ 'fake_device_name': ('my_device_name', width, height, dpi, density),

Next, call your custom device!


$ python -m screen:fake_device

On the Mac M1, you may need to use the scale command to get the screen to be the correct size:

Other relevant commands: portrait and scale

Other commands to try out:

Portrait mode:

$ python -m screen:phone_samsung_galaxy_s5,portrait

Portrait and scale:

$ python -m screen:tablet_nexus_7_13,portrait,scale=.75

Where to find screen data?

  • has a list of common dpis and phone resolutions

Article Error Reporting

Message @BadMetrics on the Kivy Discord.

Tkinter VS Kivy Tutorial Quickstart: Which one is right for you?

Why Use Tkinter or Kivy In the First Place?

Tkinter and Kivy are both cross platform GUIs that are commonly used by Python users. There are other frameworks out there but they are either: in another programming language, not available on all platforms, or a combination of both.

In this blog post, you will go through the hello world steps of both GUI interfaces on as much platforms as possible to get a feel for which one is right for you.

The only real test is to try them out!

Before following this guide, you need these tools and libraries:

  • Python

These are helpful, but not required for this tutorial:

  • Git
  • Pyenv
  • Poetry
  • VSCode or editor of your choice

If you do not see any of the below sections, please click to show.
from import runTouchApp
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.core.window import Window

#this is to make the Kivy window always on top
Window.always_on_top = True
#set the window title
Window.set_title('Welcome to Kivy School!')

#kv language setting the main widget to be a button
kvString = '''
    text: "Hello world!"

#run Kivy app

Kivy Win Step 1: Get the repo from github

You can do this in two ways: git clone or download the zip file and unzip it somewhere.

How do I git clone?
  • Press the ⊞ Windows key and type cmd to open command prompt.

  • If git is installed, then change directory with the cd command to the correct folder you want to work in.
  • dir in Windows shows you the contents of the current directory.
  • cd changes to the directory you want.
  • cd .. goes up 1 directory level.

Then type git clone

Then cd kivyhw to enter the project.

Kivy Win Step 2: Install libraries

If poetry is installed:
  • Type: poetry update in the kivyhw directory. Poetry will install everything for you and AUTOSOLVE VERSION CONFLICTS, plus provide you with a virtual environment so you don't break your Windows system Python.
  • Type poetry shell to enter the virtual environment and proceed to the next step.
If poetry is not installed:
  • If poetry is not installed, you can still install requirements using pip. Be warned! If you make any mistakes with any sort of pip install, you might end up breaking your Windows Python installation and have to reinstall it over again to fix your environment. Because this is just a Hello World tutorial, you do not need to worry about it now. If you have also followed other tutorials, you might get version conflicts for libraries. This is because pip normally installs every library to your system Python unless specified. That means that conflicting versions of certifi will appear and you will have to manually resolve conflicts. If so, please try installing python-poetry and use virtual environments for each project (like the one Kivy School is providing in this tutorial with the poetry shell command).

  • In the kivyhw folder (NOT kivyhw/kivyhw folder!) type: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Proceed to the next step.

Kivy Win Step 3: Run hello world!

There are two options to run the kivy app:

From the top level kivy hw folder, run this command: python kivyhw/

It is also possible to cd kivyhw and run python

If poetry update was used in installation, you also have access to: task run in the top level kivyhw folder courtesy of these lines in the pyproject.toml and the taskipy library:

run = 'python kivyhw/'
import tkinter as tk

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
# Set window title
root.title("Welcome to Kivy School!")
# Set min window size
root.minsize(450, 100)
# Set window to always be on top (remove this line for a regular GUI)

# Create label
label = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, World!")

# Lay out label

# Run forever!

Tkinter Win Step 1: Get the repo from github

You can do this in two ways: git clone or download the zip file and unzip it somewhere.

How do I git clone?
  • Press the ⊞ Windows key and type cmd to open command prompt.

  • If git is installed, then change directory with the cd command to the correct folder you want to work in.
  • dir in Windows shows you the contents of the current directory.
  • cd changes to the directory you want.
  • cd .. goes up 1 directory level.

Then type git clone

Then cd tkinterhw to enter the project.

Tkinter Win Step 2: Install libraries

If poetry is installed:
  • Type: poetry update in the tkinterhw directory. Poetry will install everything for you and AUTOSOLVE VERSION CONFLICTS, plus provide you with a virtual environment so you don't break your Windows system Python.
  • Type poetry shell to enter the virtual environment and proceed to the next step.
If poetry is not installed:
  • If poetry is not installed, you can still install requirements using pip. Be warned! If you make any mistakes with any sort of pip install, you might end up breaking your Windows Python installation and have to reinstall it over again to fix your environment. Because this is just a Hello World tutorial, you do not need to worry about it now. If you have also followed other tutorials, you might get version conflicts for libraries. This is because pip normally installs every library to your system Python unless specified. That means that conflicting versions of certifi will appear and you will have to manually resolve conflicts. If so, please try installing python-poetry and use virtual environments for each project (like the one Kivy School is providing in this tutorial with the poetry shell command).

  • In the tkinterhw folder (NOT tkinterhw/tkinterhw folder!) type: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Proceed to the next step.

Tkinter Win Step 3: Run hello world!

There are two options to run the kivy app:

From the top level tkinterhw folder, run this command: python tkinterhw/

It is also possible to cd tkinterhw and run python

If poetry update was used in installation, you also have access to: task run in the top level tkinterhw folder courtesy of these lines in the pyproject.toml and the taskipy library:

run = 'python tkinterhw/'
from import runTouchApp
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.core.window import Window

#this is to make the Kivy window always on top
Window.always_on_top = True
#set the window title
Window.set_title('Welcome to Kivy School!')

#kv language setting the main widget to be a button
kvString = '''
    text: "Hello world!"

#run Kivy app

Kivy Mac Step 1: Get the repo from github

You can do this in two ways: git clone or download the zip file and unzip it somewhere.

How do I git clone?
  • Press Command ⌘ + Spacebar and type terminal to open

  • If git is installed, then change directory with the cd command to the correct folder you want to work in.
  • ls -l in Mac shows you the contents of the current directory.
  • cd changes to the directory you want.
  • cd .. goes up 1 directory level.

Then type git clone

Then cd kivyhw to enter the project.

Kivy Mac Step 2: Install libraries

If poetry is installed:
  • Type: poetry update in the kivyhw directory. Poetry will install everything for you and AUTOSOLVE VERSION CONFLICTS, plus provide you with a virtual environment so you don't break your Mac system Python.
  • Type poetry shell to enter the virtual environment and proceed to the next step.
If poetry is not installed:
  • If poetry is not installed, you can still install requirements using pip. Be warned! If you make any mistakes with any sort of pip install, you might end up breaking your Mac Python installation and have to reinstall it over again to fix your environment. Because this is just a Hello World tutorial, you do not need to worry about it now. If you have also followed other tutorials, you might get version conflicts for libraries. This is because pip normally installs every library to your system Python unless specified. That means that conflicting versions of certifi will appear and you will have to manually resolve conflicts. If so, please try installing python-poetry and use virtual environments for each project (like the one Kivy School is providing in this tutorial with the poetry shell command).

  • In the kivyhw folder (NOT kivyhw/kivyhw folder!) type: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Proceed to the next step.

If you cannot see the .venv folder in the kivyhw, that is because your Mac Finder settings are set to hide hidden folders.

  • To toggle seeing hidden folders like .git and .venv, use the command: Command ⌘ + Shift + .

  • Without hidden folders:

  • With hidden folders:

Kivy Mac Step 3: Run hello world!

There are two options to run the kivy app:

From the top level kivy hw folder, run this command: python kivyhw/

It is also possible to cd kivyhw and run python

If poetry update was used in installation, you also have access to: task run in the top level kivyhw folder courtesy of these lines in the pyproject.toml and the taskipy library:

run = 'python kivyhw/'
import tkinter as tk

# Create the main window
root = tk.Tk()
# Set window title
root.title("Welcome to Kivy School!")
# Set min window size
root.minsize(450, 100)
# Set window to always be on top (remove this line for a regular GUI)

# Create label
label = tk.Label(root, text="Hello, World!")

# Lay out label

# Run forever!

TKinter Mac Step 1: Get the repo from github

You can do this in two ways: git clone or download the zip file and unzip it somewhere.

How do I git clone?
  • Press Command ⌘ + Spacebar and type terminal to open

  • If git is installed, then change directory with the cd command to the correct folder you want to work in.
  • dir in Windows shows you the contents of the current directory.
  • cd changes to the directory you want.
  • cd .. goes up 1 directory level.

Then type git clone

Then cd tkinterhw to enter the project.

TKinter Mac Step 2: Install libraries

If poetry is installed:
  • Type: poetry update in the tkinterhw directory. Poetry will install everything for you and AUTOSOLVE VERSION CONFLICTS, plus provide you with a virtual environment so you don't break your Mac system Python.
  • Type poetry shell to enter the virtual environment and proceed to the next step.
If poetry is not installed:
  • If poetry is not installed, you can still install requirements using pip. Be warned! If you make any mistakes with any sort of pip install, you might end up breaking your Mac Python installation and have to reinstall it over again to fix your environment. Because this is just a Hello World tutorial, you do not need to worry about it now. If you have also followed other tutorials, you might get version conflicts for libraries. This is because pip normally installs every library to your system Python unless specified. That means that conflicting versions of certifi will appear and you will have to manually resolve conflicts. If so, please try installing python-poetry and use virtual environments for each project (like the one Kivy School is providing in this tutorial with the poetry shell command).

  • In the tkinterhw folder (NOT tkinterhw/tkinterhw folder!) type: pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Proceed to the next step.

If you cannot see the .venv folder in the kivyhw, that is because your Mac Finder settings are set to hide hidden folders.

  • To toggle seeing hidden folders like .git and .venv, use the command: Command ⌘ + Shift + .

  • Without hidden folders:

  • With hidden folders:

TKinter Mac Step 3: Run hello world!

There are two options to run the kivy app:

From the top level tkinterhw folder, run this command: python tkinterhw/

It is also possible to cd tkinterhw and run python

If poetry update was used in installation, you also have access to: task run in the top level tkinterhw folder courtesy of these lines in the pyproject.toml and the taskipy library:

run = 'python tkinterhw/'

Why this project folder setup?

Most tutorials just give you the Python code in 1 folder.

In a real project, there are a lot of project management files that are simply not part of the main Python code and should NEVER be shipped, like hidden secrets. In this example, there are many things that should not be given to an end user, like the .git folder, .venv virtual environment provided by Poetry, .gitignore used by git, poetry.lock and pyproject.toml used by poetry, a github file and requirements.txt used by pip.

Those files are for development only! That is why the management files are in the top level, and the actual Python project is inside an inner folder.

You can see for yourself by inspecting these popular Python libraries:




Article Error Reporting

Message @BadMetrics on the Kivy Discord.